January 25, 2025

Touching the Hem: Study Guide

What good is a book, if you don’t understand it?
How will it help you, if you don’t know how to apply it?

What if you don’t catch some of the main points of Touching the Hem, don’t quite understand something, or don’t know how to personalize some of the truths?

That’s why there’s a chapter-by-chapter Study Guide!

Each chapter has a few observation questions (knowing the facts), a handful of application questions (personalizing the truths), a few notes about praying, and a relevant hymn suggestion.

It would be a great way to study through the book on your own, as part of your quiet time with God.

There’s 23 entries, so it would give you just over 3 weeks of thought-provoking material. And each entry ends with some suggestions for prayer and praise, which relate directly to that chapter’s truths.

Or you could use it to study the book with a friend or small group.

Some of the application questions would provide for a great discussion time with like-minded Christians! And it would be so encouraging to compare notes with others who have faced similar afflictions.

Oh, and the best part about this study guide? It’s FREE!!  

Click here to download the PDF!